What does it mean to live in the tropical jungle?
Living in the tropical jungle means monkeys could come visit your balcony before dawn, hang out, have their breakfast there, leave behind all the seeds and make you wonder for your life about what has just happened overnight? It also means you would be woken up by a wide variety of Birds singing beautiful songs when the first sunlight breaks through the sky, their songs are full of happiness and excitement! It can also mean Slow Loris’ family could crawl through the tele pole line to their favorite spot in the early evening for a termites snack before the rain hits. A bat could sneak inside your kitchen late in the evening, remove your plates to reach the bananas, or A barn owl could stand right next to you with eyes shining green like fireflies at midnight. In the jungle, every one of every kind of the livings has a role to play, every animal has their own time set of schedules for activities in the shared territories, it’s like a international convenient store that runs 24/7, any time of the day, there will be some animal doing their ‘chores’, This is precisely why the tropical jungles are so rich and so in density, both the plants and animals. You will know indefinitely that you are not the only one who lives there.
How much do you know about the tropical jungle?
The Diversity of animals and plants. Trees in different forms, Giant sized leaves in all different layers, stunning colorful flowers, and some of them are poisonous. Do not recommend eating wild plants, flowers or seeds in the jungle.
Trees in the tropical jungles are significantly different from other regions, one very obvious difference is many plants in the jungle have massive size leaves, because in the jungle, plants are in very high density, they packed very closely together, creating a lot of shade, the understory layer of the jungle receive the least amount of sunlight, the lower layers plants tend to grow much larger leaves so they can be exposed to more sunlight, and larger leaves also help plants cope better with hot and wet.When the jungle is big enough, it can make its own weather system.

“A walk in nature walks the soul back home” – Mary Davis